No Moon and Storm Coming In

Fool Moon RisingThere is zero moon showing in the sky tonight; not because of clouds covering the moon. There is no moon tonight because the moon is not reflecting light to us tonight.

No Moon, No Milk!How important is the moon to my life and yours and why am I discussing the fact that there is no moon light tonight. The body of the moon is there riding quietly through the night sky like a huge black hole in the stars. But is it as powerful as a full moon shining its full light down upon earth.

No, it isn't. Why is the moon not as powerful; the moon is still in the sky with all its weight, mass and orbit speed. So why is the moon less powerful when it reflects zero light back to earth? I will research that.

If you know, please comment on it here.

Evoke Power to Receive Uncommon Strength

Change Your Thoughts - Change Your Life, 8-CD set: Living the Wisdom of the TaoI have been listening to Wayne Dyer's lectures on the power of sound and wondered if I could put those sounds out on the Web: so here goesmmmmmAhmmmmmAhmmmmmmAhmmmmmAhmmmmmmAhmmmmmAhmmmmmmAhmmmmmAhmmmmmmAhmmmmmAhmmmmmm AhmmmmmAhmmmmmmAhmmmmmAhmmmmAhmmmmmmAhmmmmmAhmmmmmmAhmmmmmAhmmmmmmAhmmmmmAhmmmmmmAhmmmmmAhmmmmmmAhmmmmmAhmmmmmmAhmmmmmmAhmmmmmAhmmmmmmAhmmmmmAhmmmmmmAhmmmmmAhmmmmmmAhmmmmmAhmmmmmmAhmmmmmAhmmmmmmAhmmmmmAhmmmmmmAhmmmmmAhmmmmAhmmmmmmAhmmmmmAhmmmmmmAhmmmmmAhmmmmmmAhmmmmmAhmmmmmmAhmmmmmAhmmmmmmAhmmmmmAhmmmmmmAhmmmmmAhmmmmmmAhmmmmmAhmmmmAhmmmmmmAhmmmmmAhmmmmmmAhmmmmmAhmmmmmmAhmmmmmAhmmmmmmAhmmmmmAhmmmmmmAhmmmmmAhmmmmmmAhmmmmmAhmmmmmmAhmmmmmAhmmmmmmAhmmmmmAhmmmmmmAhmmmmmAhmmmmmmAhmmmmmAhmmmmmmAhmmmmmAhmmmmmmAhmmmmmAhmmmmmmAhmmmmmAhmmmmmmAhmmmmmAhmmmmmmAhmmmmmAhmmmmmmAhmmmmmAhmmmmmmAhmmmmmAhmmmmmmAhmmmmmAhmmmmmmAhmmmmmAhmmmmmmAhmmmmmAhmmmmmmAhmmmmmAhmmmmmmAhmmmmmAhmmmmmmAhmmmmmAhmmmmmmAhmmmmmAhmmmmmmAhmmmmmAhmmmmmmAhmmmmmAhmmmmmmAhmmmmmAhmmmmmmAhmmmmmAhmmmmmmAhmmmmmAhmmmmm

Knock and Enter

Welcome to this site. This visit will change your life whether you believe it or don't believe it. However you got here matters not at all. You are here and you will suddenly find good things coming your way.

Bible Code System similar to Melin's System

It's time to ping universal awareness. Go ahead and touch the stars.

Click on Follow this Blog and change your life for the better.

You have nothing to lose and, believe me, you have everything to gain. Go ahead and follow me now.

Magic, A Powerful Concept Made Weak with Ignorance

AbraMelin lived and maybe still lives in 1700s Egypt. He lived in the soundless desert on a hill surrounded by lush green trees. For miles in all directions was nothing except white flat sand continually ebbing and flowing with the winds.

AbraMelin was a mage with extraordinary skill and power. We might not even know of his existence today if not for a man called Abraham, a Jew who traveled the known world back then seeking a great master to teach him the art of magic.

Magic is the result of what a mage can do.

Reach for the Sky

Why do we reach for the sky when we do anything regarding power? magic magic magic those words also mystify -- ancient secrets were known by magi.

The three wise men of the Bible were magi.

Adding the letter "c" to magi must be simply a matter for changing from who did something to what they did.

Power of Tree Shade

As I look out over the dark shadows spliced here and there by sunlight making its way through the giant trees, I suddenly realize there is enormous power available there.

The power of the living trees, the power of the protection under the living trees, the power of small zones of sunlight -- all different power but all strong and good. At any moment the golden rays of sunlight can disappear and likewise show up again. Time to go absorb that power for the next trial in my life.

Wisdom and Power Prayer 11:11

This is a Golden Prayer for an infusion of wisdom and power and action. A miracle is needed. Change my mother's attitude to one of affection, trust, and unconditional love toward me. Infuse her memories so she remembers each and every thing I have done to make her life better over my lifetime.

My job my entire life has been devoted to making her life better, not mine. Let those events flow one after the other into her mind until she has a full epiphany. Then give her the courage to say so. I ask for this now because she is destroying me and destroying my life. Give her compassion, something she has lacked throughout her life.

Fill her now with compassion and truth. Let her see with clear vision the full extent of my labors over the years. Let her realize completely and fully that the one person she always turned to was her daughter, me, who always came through no matter how much sacrifice I had to make. This is my most important prayer. Let go now and let God. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Calling Amatmon and Ariton

I call upon Amatmon and Ariton to bring us opportunity and wealth in health, assets, and love. Come within and guide each of us along the right path to connect to opportunities and then guide us to use those opportunities to their maximum advantage. Amen. Amen. Amen.

note: Amen becomes a powerful sound when it is pronounced "Awwwwwmmmmm." Your lips will slightly vibrate as you stretch out the consonants.

Return to Happiness

I pray for happiness for us all. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Fill Us With Power

So far this secret power I tap has proven itself effective. Almost immediately after turning to the knowledge passed on by Melin in his little known manuscript, with only good and truth as my base, Melin's theory effectively connected me with the power I needed (intellectually, emotionally, and physically) to overcome great odds.

I want to keep going, keep succeeding, and miracles no longer astonish me except on a deeper level inside which I keep to myself.

Tonight I need to ask for a miracle for Des. She is me but does not get all the breaks I get nor does she live in a beautiful area like this. She has overcome great odds herself over the last three years and it's time now for her to enjoy luxury and self-respect. Therefore tonights power session asking for Melin's source to "fill us with power" refers to Des and myself. Can I stipulate that the power come without pain and suffering? Not sure but I'm going to request that it come into us in our sleep tonight and that absolutely zero pain and suffering be involved.

Without experiencing pain and suffering, our power will be of a different nature than the power created from pain and suffering. This will be a subtle silent power filling our consciousness similar to the effects of Prozac. Now I can see how the miracle could be manifested overnight -- willing seratonin uptake would create that effect. All of this ties together in a satisfactory way and I'm pleased. Amen Amen Amen (note) this session did not include use of manuscript so results, if they occur, will be up one level.

Results as of July 30, 2008

Although it has been three months of all out hell to get here, we are now secure and partially redeemed. Our lives went through a major upheaval that would be rated 10 on the Richter Scale if it had been an earthquake. I feel like our lives were blasted with TNT time after time after time. We had to regroup quickly and think clearly to counter what was being done to us. That period lasted from February 23 to current. But the TNT is weaker now and our protagonists are nearly powerless. As for myself, I feel like we won but one more dynamite punch from either of them would have taken me down. I was fortunate to give each of them a dynamite punch first -- it is them who have yet to recover.

Golden TurnARound

I pray for peace in our home and happiness and fulfillment. Right now we are displaced. We need to feel at home again in our home. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Maintain Faith

The truth will win out.

Pink Radiance

Visualize pink, a soft radiant iridescent pink that darts out and in and out and in like busy fireflies on a hot summer night. Open up your pores to let the rays come in. Your skin is the outer covering of your mind. The brain is different from the mind. The mind can expand several feet, sometimes more, out from the body. When it does it forms various iridescent colors and if someone with sensitivity is nearby, they can actually see those colors. That is the aura of the mind.

If you are deeply hurt, emotionally, the mind pulls in tightly and wads up and causes you to weep. It is almost like the waded up mind squeezes moisture out of the body. Your body feels heavy, you can't think, you feel nearly unbearable pain. You shrink. Your body condenses. At this point, some people try to end the pain by killing their body but that does not work. It is a mistake they'll regret into eternity.

Eventually time itself relaxes the black waded-up mind but to end the pain quickly there is only one cure: call upon the soul to help. The mind is physical. The soul is ethereal. The mind can not contact the soul for assistance in the black state, the heavy state. It just cannot be done. The reason it cannot be done is because the black, heavy state of fear, dread, loss by its very existence means the loss of soul.

The soul is elsewhere. You have to call it back. But calling the soul back in such a state requires tremendous willpower. Before you can call the soul back you have to become aware that the soul is gone. The soul only resides in white states, by white I mean love, kindness, goodwill, forgiveness. That is why it benefits you to forgive those who hurt you. Forgive and forget. Not easy to do.

Golden Pyramid Protection

The Golden Pyramid Protection spell energizes an invisible pyramid over my home (or yours). I visualize the outlines of the pyramid and see it clearly. It is very tall at the apex and sits slightly at a northeast angle. Nothing can come through the Golden Pyramid except good things.

I use this spell after I've tried all other remedies to the situation. I'm not saying that it is best to try all other remedies; I just saying that is how I do it. It is only after I exhaust all other avenues of resolution that I suddenly remember about the protection of the Golden Pyramid.

If someone wishes me ill, feels anger or hatred for me, spreads malicious gossip about me while the pyramid is active, that person receives the nastiness back ten fold and feels it immediately. I am protected.

This night I am visualizing the Golden Pyramid and visualizing that all ill-well, malicious gossip, and hatred vented toward me pings off the pyramid and returns to the sender one hundred fold.

I am making it that powerful hoping to totally eliminate the source or sources of all the negative elements affecting my life at this time.

I have no idea of what the sources will suffer but do know that it is what I would have suffered if I did not protect myself this way. I would suffer it because of the evil emanating toward me from that source. It makes me sad to do this. I don't like to see someone suffer that way. But I am tired of allowing it to happen to me and this is the only way to stop it.

The Golden Pyramid I visualize reaches to the stars and envelopes my entire property. Everything on this property is protected.

My hope is that whoever is acting malicious toward me (us) will see how much pain they are inflecting on us; will see that we are good people, that we wish to help others out of the goodness of our hearts, and that what they have been doing and saying about us is very wrong.

My hope is that they will see us for the first time with nothing in their hearts but love and kindness and goodwill.

The TurnAround

I filled a lien on the property April 22 for all the time, energy, and money invested in my home over the years. I told my brother Forrest he could take a hike. Larry and I are finally able to work on our business again and have started making money again.

We have come to terms with our current situation and are determined to fight for our rights.

note added in January 2010:  We have come to terms with what my family did -- I now control my life and live my life for us.  All the heartbreak is worth it after it is over.  Changing the way one thinks is almost too painful and I might have avoided it if I could, but I could not.  I am so very thankful I could not.  I love my new life.  Amen.

Golden Prayer Visualizing Power in the Clouds

Lord, by your grace hear me now. We ask for happiness, safety, and love and success in our lives. I've given up trying to make sense of this long month and now turn it over to you. By your grace, forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who have trespassed against us.

I ask for a very special prayer for my daughter and my mother, but especially my daughter. By all your power protect her and give her great happiness and success. I forgive her and ask that she forgive me. Lord, by your grace, reveal the great black evil energy trying to destroy us and make it weak in its revelation.

Disarm the black evil and send it to hell but leave the good and let the good that is left, heal all. Thank you Lord for these wonderful heavenly years we've had. Amen Amen Amen

The Golden Prayer for Change

Lord, by your grace hear me now, we are in need of protection, forgiveness, love, and understanding. I will let go of my desperation and fear and succumb to faith that all will be fine.

Let go and let God.

I will do all I can to heal wounds. I will pray for those I believe act against me.

I will relax, breathe deeply, let it all go and let You take over.

Amen Amen Amen (revised Feb. 23, 2010)

Just One Night of Restful Sleep . . .

I pray Lord for one night of restful sleep. Let this pain subside. Place a golden barrier around Larry and I so that we feel only peace and comfort. All pain shall go to the originator of it and explode in their hearts so each of them realizes how cruel they have been.

Let the evil hearts hurting us reap what they sow tonight so that we may rest from their evil. I pray I have no thoughts about them again. Keep all thoughts of these cruel people away from us. If no ones believes I'm a good person and this is not what should be done to us, then so be it.

Not one person has allowed us to speak on our behalf.  By your grace, hear this prayer. I pity each person in my family who allowed this to happen because their eyes are about to open. Even my own. What will I see. Amen, Amen, Amen.


Help is needed now. Faith is needed now. I tremble with fear of emotional pain coming. Lord, grant me faith that we can overcome those who are trying to take our home away. Have faith that this place will protect us. This place loves us. We love this place. Lord, I ask you to enter my mother's heart and wake her up to stop this insanity. Amen, Amen, Amen. It is done. (revised Feb 23, 2010) note: This was written two months after Simon's death.  Reed called and said Mom had a stroke, no one was there and she was incoherent.  I immediately drove to Buffalo to see what I could do.

Golden Prayer

Lord, by your grace hear our Golden Prayer. We ask for your protection from those who wish us harm. Surround our home to the edges of it boundaries with golden light to protect us. Let no one wishing us harm will be able to cross that barrier. Let no thought that will cause us harm come in. Let all pings from those who wish us harm be returned to the sender one hundred fold. Let love and kindness enter. Who ever shall speak unkindly of us shall be struck dumb each time.

Lord, this has been a month of unfortunate events which has cascaded into devastation. We ask that each event be cleared up and that the whole truth suddenly explode into the minds of those who were blinded by ignorance. Let each person who has killed our souls with their hatred now feel their own pain until they beg for forgiveness. Raise the veil from the eyes of all of them so they can see the insanity and cruelty of what they are doing to the very ones who have been so kind to them.

Lord, we open ourselves up to receive your vast energy and power and love so that we may know confidence and happiness again. Whosoever even thinks harmful thoughts toward us shall be struck down to their knees in pain. I will not abide cruelty anymore. Let each of them reap what they have sown. Those who spout out half truths, outright lies, exaggeration, and embellished rumor are the evil ones. Strike them now into confessing their falsehoods to each other. Amen, Amen, Amen It is done.

D I R E M A T Abramelin's Squares

Manifested only by Angels or Guardian Angel unto those in need of things past and forgotten but which need to come now to align ones life. Tilt head forward so message can work through the top of the head and allow energy to flow inward. Message over. (art created by author, revised Feb 23, 2010)

S A G U B Abramelin's Square

Amatmon and Ariton touch upon all doors of opportunity and wealth. Guard us against all transgressions and keep us safe from infringement of any type. Open our minds to receive the knowledge to act instantly and accurately when opportunity presents itself. Message over.

Magi from the East

Matthew 2:1: “Magi from the east came to Jerusalem” and present three gifts. The names of these men were thought to be Melchior, Gaspar,and Balthazar.

Another blogger, says this:
I was in Bible study yesterday learning about the Wise Men in the second chapter of the Gospel according to Matthew 2:1. It is generally held that these were astrologers, gentiles, from the East come to acknowledge the King of the Jews.

Abraham and Merlin Same As Abramelin

My research of Abramelin (also known as Abraham or Merlin), a man whose genius has been buried in the dark cellars of ignorance far too long, will include many aspects of magic, the supernatural, secret rituals, and the power of vibrations.

Much of what I know about Abramelin I learned from reading a book which is a translation of an old manuscript Abraham (Abramelin) wrote for his youngest son. 

With the manuscript, Abramelin bequeathed to his son ancient highly-classified knowledge he could use to succeed in life.   Abramelin believed this knowledge was the most valuable thing he could leave to his youngest son. 

The original manuscript was translated from Hebrew to French and from French to English. Knowing how original thoughts are skewed and tweaked in a translation, I must force myself to trust the English translation written by Samuel MacGregor Mathers, picture of book on the left, as if each word was written by Abramelin himself, as is stated in the Forward of the book.