Thinking is not a powerful as pure thought; thinking is the laborious act of trying to form a clear thought. Thinking is to thought what climbing a mountain is to reaching the summit. When I'm thinking about a problem I'm wrestling with the problem; if I win the wrestling match, I am presented with a clear visualization of what I want the result to be; that visualization is thought.
I wish I could afford to buy that package about creative visualization for beginners. I wonder if I am a beginner or if I am midway or what -- sometimes I have the clarity and concentration to pound out vivid thoughts and fast, but not often.
Mostly, due to distraction, I just sit with a cup of coffee at the kitchen table and watch the birds, chickens, leaves blowing, car pass by, and the inertia of it all keeps me doing just that.
Yet, truthfully, I always feel better and can do much more work if I allow myself to sit and gaze upon nature. Maybe that is a part of it all; how wonderful if I can do that and not feel guilty about doing it.