Joy is Sorrow Unmasked

Once in awhile I'll open Kahlil Gibran's The Prophet and read the page I opened to.  This morning I read this:
Then a woman said, Speak to us of joy and sorrow.  And he answered: Your joy is your sorrow unmasked.  And the selfsame well from which your laughter rises was oftentimes filled with your tears. . . The deeper that sorrow carves into your being, the more joy you can contain.
I have had enough experience with both to agree that what Gibran says here is true.  a less beautiful way of putting it would be every cloud has a silver lining.  That saying always sounded cliché and I believed people said it just to shut you up about how bad you thought life was going. But it is true. Every time bad things happen, equally good things happen later, if you make it through the bad that is.

AbraMelin, Bible Codes, and Angels

The Book of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage **ISBN: 9780486232119**The Original Code in the Bible: Using Science and Mathematics to Reveal God's FingerprintsIn The Book of the Sacred Magic of Abra-Melin the Mage Abraham warns his younger son about the power of symbols.  Abraham illustrated the manuscript he wrote for his youngest son, a manuscript Abraham thought would make up for the fact that the older son would inherit all material possessions. 
In Abraham's words:

All these symbols are to be either buried in the ground or placed under doors, steps, or buried under paths and other places by which people do pass, or whereon they lean. . . . But should you do this to please some friend, Abraham warns his son, you would not escape easily with impunity from the disapproval of your Guardian Angel.

One Holistic Exercise to Change Life Now

The Change Your Thoughts - Change Your Life, Live Seminar!: Living the Wisdom of the TaoWhat I am about to reveal to you is an epiphany that changed me completely and forever: we have read this and heard this statement, or I have anyway, hundreds of times but was never able to grasp the essence of its meaning until the epiphany snapped me into a new way of perceiving the world -- We truly are one with all things.

Whether we perceive this axiom or whether we do not perceive it, the axiom remains true.  Right now I sit at my computer typing this blog entry and I'm surrounded by plants, furniture, walls, roof, trees 'outside', raining weather and my husband who drifted off into a nap in his recliner.

Before my epiphany, each item would be separate from my awareness but strangely, now, I can perceive easily that I am but one pop-up, so to speak, in a conglomeration of potential pop-ups.

I not doing any mind altering drugs of any sort; I am fully awake and fully functional, yet I can make myself relax and melt into the conglomeration around me and with some effort I can perceive 'the world' from anywhere else I choose: this is fact and a fact I do hope will be permanent with me because it is extremely useful and quite valuable and definitely powerful.

Crazy: A Father's Search Through America's Mental Health MadnessDon't waste time sloughing this off with a negating label (crazy,etc) because all that labeling does is close the door for yourself.  Evolution dictates using a higher consciousness and this is definitely higher.

Stepping Out of the Bubble: Reflections on the Pilgrimage of Counseling TherapyThis is not a sudden change for me.  I have been seeking this epiphany for a minimum of 40 years and seeking it with determination.  This post marks the beginning of something and future posts will mark the growth of it.

Meadowlark Woman, Navajo goddess renders scalps harmless.

A Place to Be Navajo: Rough Rock and the Struggle for Self-Determination in Indigenous Schooling (Sociocultural, Political, and Historical Studies in Education)
The Navajo people's philosophy resembles a swirling subtle energy without limit which the Navajo artists depict with soft iridescent color and lines. But the Navajo were not as gentle as their art suggests.

A Navajo goddess (although they did not use that term goddess) Meadowlark Woman (Tsiyayoji) provides the ashes that are necessary to render enemy scalps harmless. (source: Encyclopedia Mythica. 2010. Encyclopedia Mythica Online.18 Jan. 2010  

The Navajo people scalped their enemies?  I thought the Navajo were almost angelic because of their artwork reflected such angelism.  Yet many Native America people scalped their enemies and it was to keep that enemy warrior from the 'happy hunting grounds.'  I guess the Navajo were no exception.

And after learning that the Navajo warriors turned to the spirit of Meadowlark Woman to render their enemy's scalps harmless, there is apparently more to 'scalping' than mutilation.  I will need to research scalping some more and see what all I can find. To add to the interest in scalping, today scalping is a stock market term meaning much the same thing as 'render your enemy harmless.'

Thinking is An Evolving Thought

Thinking is not a powerful as pure thought; thinking is the laborious act of trying to form a clear thought.  Thinking is to thought what climbing a mountain is to reaching the summit.  When I'm thinking about a problem I'm wrestling with the problem; if I win the wrestling match, I am presented with a clear visualization of what I want the result to be; that visualization is thought.

Creative Visualization: Use the Power of Your Imagination to Create What You Want in Your LifeI wish I could afford to buy that package about creative visualization for beginners.  I wonder if I am a beginner or if I am midway or what -- sometimes I have the clarity and concentration to pound out vivid thoughts and fast, but not often.

Mostly, due to distraction, I just sit with a cup of coffee at the kitchen table and watch the birds, chickens, leaves blowing, car pass by, and the inertia of it all keeps me doing just that.

Yet, truthfully, I always feel better and can do much more work if I allow myself to sit and gaze upon nature.  Maybe that is a part of it all; how wonderful if I can do that and not feel guilty about doing it.

Axioms of Manifesting

The fairy god-mother granting you a wish fable that runs through the consciousness of every child is actually an axiom not a fable.  That fable runs through children's literature in nearly all countries in some form or another.  The problem is, many advanced societies demand the concept be stamped down just when the child believes strongly enough to make it work.

Dr. Wayne Dyer has a few CDs on making things happen in life by adjusting one's consciousness with the use of sound vibrations.  I have experimented with this type of meditation and it worked so well I backed off -- it is a new experience to have a coincidence happen within moments of visualizing a need for something.  It is unnerving to say the least.

Change Your Thoughts - Change Your Life Perpetual Flip: A Calendar to Use Year After Year (Calendar 2009)If you want to learn more about manifesting with sound vibrations, listen to Dr. Wayne Dyer's CD or any sound vibration theories.

You can also read some of my previous entries in which I practiced this meditation and experimented with various ways of doing it -- including placing the sound online so whoever read the sounds manifested the sound.  I don't know it it works for the person reading it (only if they contacted me could I know), but I can certainly notice results in my immediate experiences.  As I said before, the coincidences that happen are un-nerving.

Dreams: Wishes of the Soul

The Iroquois: The Six Nations Confederacy (American Indian Nations)As far back as the 17th century, the Iroquois had a psychoanalytic theory about the meaning of dreams that was advanced to Freuds plus their theory was in effect at least 200 years before Freuds. 

The Iroquois's psychoanalytic dream theory differs slightly from Freud's dream theory.  The Iroquois theory today, appears much more balanced than Freud's.

Freud's psychoanalytic theory reduced all dream symbols to sexual or incestuous tendencies. Freud's theory did not explore or acknowledge soul detachment nor did he acknowledge the existence of supernatural beings.

The Iroquois worshiped and obeyed their dreams as though dreams were their god.  This is interesting and I intend to write about 3 more posts about these interesting Native Americans.

Wicca for Dummies

Living Wicca: A Further Guide for the Solitary Practitioner (Llewellyn's Practical Magick Series)Wicca is nature-oriented.  It is a type of religion that worships both the male and female aspects of god.  But more importantly, Wicca places a high value on common-sense dealings with the environment. 

Wicca needs no formal atmosphere nor other people to be effective.  Wiccans achieve an honest and clear relationship with all elements through quiet communication, often in solitary.

To a Wiccan, magic is simply influencing their environment with what can be boiled down to nothing more than unconditional love for oneself and all other things both material and spiritual.

Clairvoyance for Beginners

The Clairvoyant (Album Version)Clairvoyance is a French word meaning simply clear vision.  However, over the years clairvoyance has taken on an aura of the supernatural which causes more than a few people to close their minds to their own clairvoyant tendencies.  Not surprising really when history reveals that a majority of people barely use their basic senses to perceive their world (i.e., sight, touch, taste, smell, sound). 

For many people who limit themselves to perceiving their reality through their basic animal senses, people who use their finer senses of perception (i.e., clairvoyance) frighten them the way an eagle frightens a mouse.

The Edgar Cayce RemediesEdgar Cayce (1877-1945) was a clairvoyant known and respected by all worldwide. I have been studying the new work of Dr. Wayne Dyer and so what I'm about to tell you know is especially fascinating to me: Dr. Dyer purports the importance of sound vibrations (espcially Ahhhmmmmm)as a way to open our spirit. Edger Cayce, I discovered, had the same philosophy: Cayce used a chant of that sound to open himself up to divine influences.

Cayce believed that through prayer we speak to God. In meditation, God speaks to us.  I have not heard that sensible of an explanation for the difference between prayer and mediation before or since.

Power in Nature and How to Evoke It

Tremendous natural energy exists at all times and an ocean wave is but one example of that; these natural energy forces work with or without our help.  Earth's spheres (biosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere) evoke powerful natural events by their very existence.  Therefore, it is only natural that people, indeed any life form, can also evoke certain energy or power at will when needed.

The problem is that people are not aware of their ability to evoke power -- yet.  Evoking power to help one through difficult events is as natural as rain. 

The Truth About Evocation of Spirits (Truth About Series)Take a look at this illustration I found in Wikipedia showing the cycle of water.  I studied this illustration and concluded that this cycle is evoked by the energy from the sun.  The sun evokes a complete water cycle with its heat.

Similarly, we evoke things into our life in just such a way.  We don't chant 'evoke the spirit of wealth' and wait for money to rain down on us (or at least we don't do that for long before we realize such evocations are useless; they don't work).  Whatever we focus our attention on (as the sunlight focuses heat upon the earth), is evoked to materialize in our life.  So simple.

Clairvoyant Alters Fate , Saves Life

Your New BoundariesNew York Times - August 6, 1869- On the 20th of last March (1868), and frequently afterward,Nehemiah Gibson, then on her passage from Melbourne via New South Wales for San Francisco. In its fall the spirit stated that its body had struck the rail of the vessel and after a few hours had expired in great agony. Several clairvoyants and trance mediums in East Boston personated the death of a young man whose spirit informed them that he had fallen from aloft on board the bark
The young man's family and all the leading Spiritualists of East Boston implicitly believed these wonderful revelations; but it affords us pleasure to state that the young man arrived in San Francisco still in the body, and with a fair prospect of living his "three score years and ten." We mentioned the case because it as been a common topic of conversation with the people of East Boston for several months.

Balance Within

Kahlil Gibran The Man & His WorkVerily all things move within your being in constant half embrace, the desired and the dreaded, the repugnant and the cherished, the pursued and that which you would escape. These things move within you as lights and shadows in pairs that cling. And when the shadow fades and is no more, the light that lingers becomes a shadow to another light. And thus your freedom when it loses its fetters becomes itself the fetter of a greater freedom.
-- Kahlil Gibran, The Prophet

Lingamma the White Witch Wins

Once a Witch Lingamma was a woman who lived hundreds of years ago.  She was often asked by family and friends for help when someone was under the weather or in need of some other assistance. She was a wonderful mother to her large family and showed intelligence to boot.

However, as can almost entirely be the case in all witch accusation situations, Lingamma was so wonderful and respected that a few other women felt jealousy toward her.  And as E. E. Evans-Pritchard says in his book in 1937:
In a study of Zande witchcraft we must bear in mind, firstly, that the notion is a function of situations of misfortune, and secondly, that it is a function of personal relations.
Nevertheless, hundreds of years ago and indeed to this very day in 2010, a woman who can help others gain health and love is automatically a witch.  Lingamma's son protected her the best he could after she was accused of being a witch -- all it takes is an accusation.

A woman Lingamma was to help felt she had not done her best and since she was also jealous of her, she say an opportunity to bring Lingamma down a notch.  But Lingamma, being a well-loved mother to her children, had someone to stand up for her.  Here is what he eldest son did.

He took his aunt Chennamma, who had accused his mother of witchcraft, to court and won.  He defended his mother on the grounds that she has helped nearly everyone in the village and Chennamma had not.  The judge also gave him the power to take any case before the police in which someone in the town even discussed the witchcraft accusation openly.

This was such an unusual story about witchcraft and the outcome of being accused of witchcraft that I had to share it with you.