1111 Symbol that Life is As it Should be

Is the number 1111 calling you?

Does seeing these numbers assure you that life is going as it should be going and that you are on the right track?

Pray Conjure in Your Native Tongue

Mojo: Conjure StoriesabramelinMojo: Conjure StoriesFolks who pray or conjure using a foreign language might not always get what they conjure -- prayer or conjuring requires flawless communication.

Latin or any little understood language sounds mysterious and therefore powerful. Yet such disconnected prayer or conjuring works only for those who understand the full meaning of all the words.

By using a native language, the person praying or conjuring is assured that their thoughts and words are precise because only precise thoughts captured in words have power.

Imagination: The Seventh Sense

I believe imagination is a highly developed sense that can become extremely powerful with conscious use. I call it the Seventh Sense. For instance, to create a Koi water garden: Instead of experiencing lifting of rocks, moving soil, adding water with the five base senses, use the imagination to create it.

Visualize it done and with every rock and pebble where you want it. Devote mind to forming a clear vivid mental image.

Imagine (its free to imagine) the Koi Water Garden, complete with canapy of redbud tree over the water, complete with Koi swimming in the clear water, complete in all ways; pump in place and pumping water through the filter and flowing back into the pond down a three-foot streambed and over a short waterfall, cascading into the pond creating ripples perpetually rolling across the water.

I did this and I now have a Koi Water Garden even better than I had imagined. Visualizing how I wanted it to look set it all in motion.

Enchanted Home

Our home place is located in enchanted woods near a lake, and absolutely every person who comes on to this property notices it. 

Some visitors mention the enchanted feeling almost immediately. Others, preoccupied with intense pressure from hectic life, may not notice it until the next day.
However, within days of my step-fathers death, our enchanted place was taken from us.  The lose knocked the wind from us.  It was like being hit in the gut without warning.
All life within the enchanted area was struck in some way. Several fish died, a duck was hurt, a dog died, people in the home were suffering severe stress causing various levels of shock and small strokes. Eventually, we lost all our fish and had to give our ducks and chickens away.

This happened during the year 2008, starting almost with Day One, January.  The intensity of it is over now.  We fought back with all we had, requiring us to get up after being knocked down, time and time again until we were sure we could take no more, but more came.

I had to use every ounce of knowledge and willpower and inner strength I had to stand up that one last time.  There is more to come but it will not be the same; it may even be very good power.  I sit an wait.  Not knowing.